[RC 2015] Goodreads Reading Challenge

Supposedly I posted this challenge last month, since it's a 1-year-long reading challenge. But since I already put the widget on my sidebar, I thought that it's unnecessary. Until I realized that there's plenty of other reading challenges that I join on Goodreads and I have never updated them. Because of that, I'm going to post this reading challenge on my blog, as a reminder for myself on what reading challenges that I've joined this year. And I'm going to post a wrap-up post per month, too. I'm still thinking on what should I write on those wrap-up posts beside my reading challenges progress, but I still have a few more weeks left so I'm going to do some blog-walking (or blog-surfing?) to find inspirations.

Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge
Originally I plan to read 60 books this year, at least 1 book a week. But then I got several free time this month and so far I've read 8 books on February alone, within 12 days. That's a lot of improvements for me, considering how I barely lifted any book last year. Which is why I decided to upgrade this reading challenge into 100 books. Judging from the books that I'm going to read to fulfill other reading challenges, I'm quite optimist that I can pass the number. 
Update progress Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge can be seen HERE
This reading challenge actually pretty similar to the one posted here. But I've joined this group on Goodreads first, so I will refer this reading challenge to the group. Basically we're going to read books based on the categories on the list. I'm planning to only include English books here, except the one that takes place in my hometown. Here are the complete list and the books that I planned to read:
Update progress 2015 Reading Challenge can be seen HERE

Count the Pages 2015
This is one of the challenges that group All Challenges All The Time in Goodreads host. Basically this group hosts all kinds of reading challenges. There are fairy tale challenges, read the name challenges, and etc. Visit the group for more information :)

This challenge required you to set a goal on how many pages you want to read in 2015. I challenge myself to read 20.000 pages this year.
Update progress Count the Pages 2015 reading challenge can be seen HERE

Read Your Name!
Another challenge hosted by All Challenges All The Time. In this challenge, we just need to spell our name and read the books that matched the alphabet. We can use the title, author's first name or last name, or the name of the main character. This is a 6 months challenge but I pledge to finish it in 3 months (14/1/2015 - 14/4/2015).
Update progress Read Your Name! reading challenge can be seen HERE

Read the Group Name
This challenge is similar to Read Your Name challenges. Instead of spelling our name, we spell the name of the group, which is All Challenges All The Time. There are 23 books in total, with duration 1 year after start date. My duration: 14/1/2015 - 14/1/2016
Update progress Read the Group Name can be seen HERE

Out of all the challenges that I join this year, this is definitely my favorite one. Just like the title, Fairy Tale Challenge is a challenge that's related to fairy tale. There are 34 fairy tales to choose from, and there are several options for every fairy tale. We can read the original version, read the retelling version, read a book with certain category/label, and we can also watch the movie version. There are 3 levels that we can choose: Easy(Complete 10 Fairy Tales), Medium(Complete 20 Fairy Tales), and Hard(Complete all Fairy Tales). I chose Easy because I want to do every options available in every fairy tale that I picked.
Update progress Fairy Tale Challenge can be seen HERE


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