
Showing posts with the label TBR

2018 Reading Goals

Hi there! This is going to be a quick post of which I'll share 5 reading goals that I'm hoping to accomplish this year as well as 6 books/series that I'm quite excited to read. So without further ado, here we go. 5 Reading Goals Read 52 books This is the same amount of books that I tried to read last year. It's doable and I'm pretty sure that I can pass this easily. Read 40 paperbacks that I owned before 2018 This should not come as a surprise, considering the fact that currently I owned almost 200 unread books.  Read 6 series Even though I love standalones, there are just something fun about reading series, either dualogy, trilogy, or even more. Read 25.000 pages This is the same amount of pages that I tried to read last year. And even though there's struggle at the end of last year, I'm pretty sure I can accomplish it this year. Read 35 new-to-me authors It's doable and to be honest I'm perfectly fine if I can't accomplish it this year

[Project] TBR

There's a new project I'd like to tell you that I'm currently working on. It all started when I saw a video series from  Booksandlala  called the Book Closet Unhaul. Basically she will watch a book haul that she made 2 years earlier and then count how many of those books that she has read, unhauled, or still haven't read a.k.a her TBR books. All of the books that she haven't read will become a part of her TBR for the next month. If she managed to read them, then she will keep it. But if she didn't, she will unhauled it the next month. There's some other rules that she apply but I think you already get the point of what I'm going to do now. Basically, I'm going to count how many books that I bought and still haven't read  from 2015 (the year that I started blogging) until now (17). Then I'll make them my 'main' TBR for the year. I still haven't come up with a decision of what will I do if I didn't managed to read all of th

June Wrap Up & July TBR

Good morning everyone! It's been a while since I post or read anything. Not that I'm in a reading slump, but I'm still trying to juggle with my new schedule and commuting to and from work. I should've been more used to it by now so I think I can try to work something out next week. I can't promise anything, though. My new schedule is pretty hectic. However, before fasting and work began, I think I'm pretty productive in terms of writing blog posts and reading books. On May, I barely get any reviews up because I'm not in the mood of writing anything. But last month I spent 2 days to write 4 reviews. I think the key is not to make it a burden and just do it when I wanted to. I also got new triggers that works whenever I went into writing blocks. So I think I can get past that problem and start writing my book reviews sooner than later.

May Wrap Up & June TBR

May 2015 Wrap Up May was a pretty crazy month for me. I spent so much time doing errands or planning another errands. It was so hectic. So unfortunately I only managed to finish 4 books and adding 1 book on my currently reading shelf. Here are the books that I managed to finish on May: Luna Torashyngu - Golden Bird: Alpha Gillian Flynn - Gone Girl Marie Lu - Legend Marie Lu - Prodigy

March - April Wrap Up & May TBR

Good morning everyone! Today I'm going to share some books that I bought and read in the last 2 months, as well as my TBR for May 2015. Since this is going to be a pretty long post, I'm just gonna get started now.