52 books
  1. Enid Blyton - Semester Pertama di Malory Towers
  2. Tere Liye - Tentang Kamu
  3. Jenny Han - The Summer I Turned Pretty
  4. Jostein Gaarder - Cecilia dan Malaikat Ariel: Kisah Indah Dialog Surga dan Bumi
  5. Antoine de Saint-Exupery - The Little Prince
  6. Finding Dory
  7. Windhy Puspitadewi - Touche
  8. Windhy Puspitadewi - Touche: Alchemist
  9. Tria Barmawi - The Beautiful Geek
  10. Nadya Prayudhi - U-Turn
  11. Aoyama Gosho - Detective Conan Movie: Quarter of Silence (First)
  12. Aoyama Gosho - Detective Conan Movie: Quarter of Silence (Last)
  13. Seplia - Replay
  14. Seplia - Insecure
  15. Arleen A. - The Lady in Red
  16. Annisa Ihsani - A untuk Amanda
  17. Betty Smith - Sebatang Pohon Tumbuh di Brooklyn
  18. Matthew Quick - The Silver Linings Playbook
  19. Inside Out
  20. Tere Liye - Hujan
  21. Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
  22. Stephanie Kuehn - Charm & Strange
  23. Holly Black - The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
  24. Ken Terate - Jurnal Jo
  25. Melina Marchetta - Looking for Alibrandi
  26. Ken Terate - Jurnal Jo: Online
  27. Windry Ramadhina - Walking After You
  28. Fakhrisina Amalia - Persona
  29. Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Little Princess
  30. Walt Disney's Classic Storybook
  31. Prisca Primasari - Love Theft #1
  32. Prisca Primasari - Love Theft #2
  33. Ken Terate - Jurnal Jo: Episode Cinta
  34. 20 Cerita Detektif Diambil dari Majalah Bobo: Lukisan yang Dapat Mencuri
  35. Bey Tobing - Once Upon a Time in St. Petersburg
  36. 20 Cerita Manis Diambil dari Majalah Bobo: Persahabatan Bunga Matahari
  37. Lauren Oliver - Vanishing Girls
  38. Tere Liye - Negeri Para Bedebah
  39. Tere Liye - Negeri di Ujung Tanduk
  40. Retno Hening Palupi - Happy Little Soul
  41. Pricillia A.W. - Zero Class
  42. Pricillia A.W. - Zero Class #2: Revelation
  43. Pricillia A.W. - Zero Class #3: Legacy
  44. Paul Kalanithi - When Breath Becomes Air
  45. Robert Adhi Ksp - Andy Noya: Kisah Hidupku
  46. R.J. Palacio - Wonder
  47. Clara Ng - Dru dan Kisah Lima Kerajaan
  48. Cornelia Funke - Inkheart
  49. Tatty Elmir - Keydo
  50. Kate DiCamillo - The Tale of Despereaux
  51. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - We Should All be Feminists
  52. Naomi Novik - Uprooted
  53. Windry Ramadhina - Last Forever
  54. Planes
  55. Luna Torashyngu - Angel's Heart
  56. John Tiffany & Jack Thorne - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  57. Sue Monk Kidd - The Invention of Wings
  58. Bernard Batubata - Surat Untuk Ruth
  59. The Beatrix Potter Collection Volume One
  60. The Beatrix Potter Collection Volume Two
  61. Windhy Puspitadewi - Heart and Soul
  62. Tracey Garvis Graves - On the Island
  63. Tink and Friends Story Collection
  64. Madeleine L'Engle - A Wrinkle in Time
  65. Seplia - Three Sisters
  66. Rainbow Rowell - Eleanor & Park
  67. Patrick Ness - The Knife of Never Letting Go
  68. Patrick Ness - The Ask and the Answer
  69. Patrick Ness - Monsters of Men
  70. Jenny Han - It's Not Summer Without You
  71. Emma Donoghue - Room
  72. Jenny Han - We'll Always Have Summer
  73. A.A. Milne - Winnie the Pooh
  74. Aqessa Aninda - Secangkir Kopi dan Pencakar Langit
  75. Winna Efendi - One Little Thing Called Hope
  76. Sarah Crossan - One
  77. Emma Grace - Re-Write
  78. Ernita Dietjeria - Kumpulan Dongeng Terlezat Sedunia
  79. Fajar Nugros - Adriana
  80. Iwan Setyawan - 9 Summers 10 Autumns
  81. Clara Ng - Dongeng Sekolah Tebing
  82. Pramoedya Ananta Toer - Bumi Manusia
  83. Suarcani - Rule of Thirds
  84. Dongeng Hans Christian Andersen
  85. Enid Blyton - Si Babi Ungu dan Cerita-Cerita Lain
40 new-to-me authors
  1. Enid Blyton
  2. Tere Liye
  3. Jenny Han
  4. Jostein Gaarder
  5. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  6. Nadya Prayudhi
  7. Seplia
  8. Arleen A.
  9. Annisa Ihsani
  10. Betty Smith
  11. Matthew Quick
  12. Lewis Carroll
  13. Stephanie Kuehn
  14. Holly Black
  15. Fakhrisina Amalia
  16. Lauren Oliver
  17. Retno Hening Palupi
  18. Pricillia A.W.
  19. Paul Kalanithi
  20. Robert Adhi Ksp
  21. R.J. Palacio
  22. Cornelia Funke
  23. Tatty Elmir
  24. Kate DiCamillo
  25. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  26. Naomi Novik
  27. John Tiffany & Jack Thorne
  28. Bernard Batubara
  29. Beatrix Potter
  30. Tracey Garvis Graves
  31. Madeleine L'Engle
  32. Emma Donoghue
  33. A.A. Milne
  34. Aqessa Aninda
  35. Sarah Crossan
  36. Ernita Dietjeria
  37. Fajar Nugros
  38. Iwan Setyawan
  39. Pramoedya Ananta Toer
  40. Suarcani
25.000 pages
  • January: 2401
  • February: 2145
  • March: 1902
  • April: 2313
  • May: 2678
  • June: 2126
  • July: 1327
  • August: 3273
  • September: 1390
  • October: 1792
  • November: 1201
  • December: 2462
Total: 25.010
6 series
  1. Touche by Windy Puspitadewi
  2. Love Theft by Prisca Primasari
  3. Jurnal Jo by Ken Terate
  4. Zero Class by Pricillia A.W.
  5. Beatrix Potter Collection
  6. Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness
  7. Summer by Jenny Han
40 paperbacks
  1. Enid Blyton - Semester Pertama di Malory Towers
  2. Tere Liye - Tentang Kamu
  3. Jenny Han - The Summer I Turned Pretty
  4. Jostein Gaarder - Cecilia dan Malaikat Ariel: Kisah Indah Dialog Surga dan Bumi
  5. Windhy Puspitadewi - Touche
  6. Windhy Puspitadewi - Touche: Alchemist
  7. Tria Barmawi - The Beautiful Geek
  8. Nadya Prayudhi - U-Turn
  9. Seplia - Replay
  10. Seplia - Insecure
  11. Arleen A. - The Lady in Red
  12. Annisa Ihsani - A untuk Amanda
  13. Betty Smith - Sebatang Pohon Tumbuh di Brooklyn
  14. Matthew Quick - The Silver Linings Playbook
  15. Inside Out
  16. Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
  17. Stephanie Kuehn - Charm & Strange
  18. Holly Black - The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
  19. Ken Terate - Jurnal Jo
  20. Melina Marchetta - Looking for Alibrandi
  21. Ken Terate - Jurnal Jo: Online
  22. Windry Ramadhina - Walking After You
  23. Fakhrisina Amalia - Persona
  24. Walt Disney's Classic Storybook
  25. Ken Terate - Jurnal Jo: Episode Cinta
  26. Pricillia A.W. - Zero Class
  27. Robert Adhi Ksp - Andy Noya: Kisah Hidupku
  28. Clara Ng - Dru dan Kisah Lima Kerajaan
  29. Tatty Elmir - Keydo
  30. Windry Ramadhina - Last Forever
  31. Luna Torashyngu - Angel's Heart
  32. Sue Monk Kidd - The Invention of Wings
  33. Bernard Batubara - Surat untuk Ruth
  34. The Beatrix Potter Collection Volume One
  35. The Beatrix Potter Collection Volume Two
  36. Windhy Puspitadewi - Heart and Soul
  37. Tracey Garvis Graves - On the Island
  38. Rainbow Rowell - Eleanor & Park
  39. Patrick Ness - The Knife of Never Letting Go
  40. Patrick Ness - The Ask and the Answer
  41. Patrick Ness - Monsters of Men
  42. Jenny Han - It's Not Summer Without You
  43. Emma Donoghue - Room
  44. Jenny Han - We'll Always Have Summer
  45. Winna Efendi - One Little Thing Called Hope
  46. Emma Grace - Re-Write
  47. Fajar Nugros - Adriana
  48. Iwan Setyawan - 9 Summers 10 Autumns
  49. Dongeng Hans Christian Andersen
4 book/series review
  • January: 0
  • February: 0 
  • March: 1 || Liesl & Po
  • April: 0
  • May: 0
  • June: 0
  • July: 0
  • August: 0
  • September: 0
  • October: 0
  • November: 0
  • December: 0


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