
Showing posts from January, 2017

2017 Reading Goals

Hi there! Today I'm going to post something that's very exciting for me, my 2017 reading goals. My goals for this year is not so different from my goals last year. I'm just trying to take it easy, setting an achievable goal so I can be happy with myself at the end of the year. If I didn't succeed, that's okay. If I overachieved my goals, that's totally fine as well. So here we go:

Looking Through 2016

I didn't know how to post this appropriately. I simply wanted to show and count how many of my 2016 reading goals that I succeeded in doing, how many that I failed, and so on. Let's just begin, shall we?

December 2016 Book Haul & Wrap Up

Hi there! Happy new year! I haven't posted anything for a while. Things had been...pretty rough last month. I'm pretty much just got sick of December 2016 and happy to be done with it. And oh, I was in a reading slump as well. Thank God it only lasted for a couple of weeks. So yeah, new month, new chapter :)